Birdietalk Productions Wiki

Kinny is an OC created by the creator of this wiki.


A lesbian forest quetzal sporting blizzard blue markings who is the meaner twin sister to Quinney. She would oftenly mock Quinney for her heterosexuality. She would also compete with Amy over who is the better mean twin. Samey is Kinny's crush. She will later compete with a forest quetzal sporting the rarest markings over Samey.


  • Blizzard blue
  • Cooked quetzal
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sesame seed juice
  • Rocky road ice cream
  • Samey


  • Amy
  • Quinney
  • Heterosexuality


Kinny was created because BT Productions needed OCs who are twins. After Kinny's creation, the prototype name "Quinn" was changed to the present-day name "Quinney".

Because of that, Kinny was created after Quinney (who was planned to be in BT Productions from the beginning, as demonstrated by Super Party Meme). Despite that, Kinny is considered to be the older sister by seventeen minutes.

When genderbent, Kinny is referred to as "Kinn".

According to Kinny's family tree, the quetzal twins have a paternal uncle.

Kinny is implied to be 15 years old since the OC Fusion meme lists Quinney as 15 years old.

